Vintage Finds and Vintage Hair

It snowed again! Yay. We took out our Christmas present to ourselves and hit the streets on new skis. The snow was perfect for it, powdery and light, and there wasn’t yet much sand or salt on the roads. It got us thinking how great it would be to be able to commute by ski during the winter. Not that either of us commutes. But still, what an option!

Got my hair cut today. I saw an old picture of me (circa 2003) from a friend’s wedding and had this moment where I realized, “Hey, I think this may have been my best hair ever.” I was blonder and much more single then. Funny that. So I had the same cut done with some long bangs added in for a touch of modernity. I like it! Maybe I’ll take a picture before I get a chance to butcher it with my hair styling “skills” later on. Lord knows it won’t look like this once I wash and style it.

I wanted to share some recently thrifting fun with you all. First, a strange item (for me anyway).
Foco Flar

Anyone out there know what it is? The top opens to show a divided main compartment. If attached to the wall, I think it would make a great place to store incoming mail of the bill variety. You could just close the lid and forget all about it! I don’t know its exact origins, but I know at least the line of work it was in. It has something to do with old street lights. Anyone else know more details? Anyone work for Anthes? Anyone work with a foco flar in their day to day life? Anyone just enjoy saying “foco flar” like I do?

Ok, this one is a bit more straight forward. I thought it would be great for my new sewing table:
Celluloid Dragon Sewing Box

And the insides:

Vintage Celluloid Sewing Box

It should provide some inspiration for my crafting once I get that room together. Any day now….

At least I have good hair.

3 Responses to “Vintage Finds and Vintage Hair”

  1. Elaine Says:

    Have no clue about foco flar,
    But gotta see a picture of that hair.

  2. Laura Says:

    Hi, I know you posted this a while back, but I just found one of these in my grandparents old storage bin at our farm. My stepdad says it used to be attached to combines, or other farm equipment, almost as ‘flares’ to keep cars from running into them while on the road. If yours is like mine, you’ll see attachments on the back where the box could be affixed to the combines or whatever. This is all second hand info, but my stepdad’s pretty in the know about this stuff.

  3. HappyDash Says:

    Hey Laura! Thanks for writing. I figured this was used for road safety somehow but I hadn’t thought of its use in farming. Makes perfect sense!