Archive for June, 2009

It’s Friday

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Things got pretty busy around here with moving out of our sweet little house into our temporary country house last week. Oh the packing! And now, Oh the unpacking!

I got nothin’ but photos. Have a great great great sunny weekend.

Loves Nectarines

Loves his sister

Loves trucks

It’s Official

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

She’s a sitter.

This photo is from yesterday afternoon.

Today, I went to get her up from her nap to find her sitting up waiting for me. Everything we’ve heard about the second baby rushing to keep up with her older sibling seems to be coming true. Slow down little baby. I’m scrambling to savor all these early moments and you’re moving too fast!

And oh my! Just stumbled upon this sweet post from a similar moment in Dash’s young life.