Archive for the ‘Misc.’ Category

Of Goats and Monks

Friday, August 24th, 2007

Yesterday, after picking up Neil in the park and hanging out with Kristie and Ren while they worked on the new Maple’s location, we all walked down to this new bookstore in town to catch the book signing for
Year of the Goat with bale of hay

Rabelais was the perfect spot for Margaret’s book to make its debut.
Surrounded by cookbooks, friends, fans of goats, fans of slow cooking, wine, goat cheese (and actual goat, which I did not try), you really can’t go wrong.

Only one live goat was in attendance. He was happily munching hay and posing for pictures out in front of the shop.
Year of the Goat

I’m really kicking myself for this one, but probably it was the wine. Yeah, it was the wine that distracted me and kept me from getting THE photo of the night. A group of monks walked by the shop, through the crowd around the goat, on their way to who-knows-where. There’s no shortage of good restaurants in the neighborhood, so maybe it was just supper time for monks. Anyway, it was kind of a blessing on the event and the book, I think. If anyone managed to get a shot of them, let me know.

And because it’s so hard to post and not share Dash with you, here is his reaction to the goat.

Dash likes goats

I think he likes him.

UPDATE: oops. i think the goat was a she.

Thirty-one Candles

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

Someone’s birthday is coming up and I think it’s mine. This year I’m feeling like I have more than enough (though I do not yet have an iPhone), so when brainstorming gift ideas, I’m kind of stumped.

Sure, I’d love anything spa-related. I’d totally go on a shopping spree for some new clothes for my post-baby body. And naturally I’d receive with open arms the above-mentioned iPhone.

But really… I think I just want a few things done for piece of mind. Like this:

Free offers of babysitting so I can tackle the painting, organization, and set-up of our office/studio. Be warned, this may take some time.

Pantry shelves installed.

Quote Unquote Pantry. Also known as a counter top.
This is not working for me.

Our beautiful glassed-in front porch cleaned of all boxes and Astro Turf, cleaned, and set up with a few chairs and a table. (Seriously, Astro Turf? We don’t exactly have a ball field out there.)

Some inspiration for Dash’s room. We have a crib that we don’t use taking up space and lots of bare walls. Any ideas? Something not so much Babies ‘r Us inspired and more just… inspired.

A trust fund.

A new Bernina.

An organized garage and basement.

Wow. Can you tell we moved to our new house when I was too pregnant to do anything and now all these undone projects are smacking me in the face on a daily basis? Yikes. I think it’s that we’re coming up on the year mark and the undone list doesn’t seem to have shrunk any. Note to any mothers-to-be out there: when people tell you you won’t have time once your baby is born, they are. not. kidding.

Good thing you’re cute, baby.
Cute baby

Trip Tease

Sunday, August 19th, 2007

Not quite ready or able to write about the trip. Will this hold you over?

Travelling used to be so easy.

Monday, August 13th, 2007

Happy Monday. We’ve been having these flash rain storms in between mostly sunny skies all morning. This makes my flowers very happy.

We are in the midst of planning our NY trip right now, this very moment. It’s funny. I used to be really organized and now, well, not so much. I strive to be, yet some days (today, for instance) it seems like an insurmountable challenge. If we’re going to leave soon, shouldn’t we know where we’re going to stay, have clean clothes to pack up, have some days planned, etc.? Instead, we’re both on our computers. Me, writing this. Neil, fixing host issues. Still. Grrr.

Also, I’m kind of worried about having Dash away from the house for so long. We’ve never travelled with him so I don’t know what to bring. If he was exclusively nursing it would be so much easier. Damn that solid food! I’ve been making all of his food right here in the kitchen, but I think it will be pretty inconvenient to carry days worth of applesauce and sweet potato around with us. Which means I’ll have to buy jarred food for him. Something I haven’t wanted to do but will have to accept, I suppose.

But really… how do you travel with a baby knowing you’ll be bouncing from house to house and may or may not have a car with you and will no doubt be carrying bags? I am new mother, do not know.


Also, must be packed up and ready and still have time for Flight of the Conchords. This is not negotiable.

Louis? Are you reading this?

Monday, August 13th, 2007

This is for you.

Quebec and Eastern Promenade