Zella Joy is here! We’re snowed in here at home (seriously, you should see these snowbanks!), loving every moment with our new little girl. We’re tired, we’re happy, we’re healthy. I’m going to leave you with this birth announcement, written by Neil, until I can get back to the computer to share more.
Enjoy. We certainly are.

Hello everyone,
Happy news, happy news! Just wanted to let you all know that our daughter, Zella Joy Sattin, entered the world last Thursday night (December 18, 2008) at 10:57 pm. She’s happy, healthy, feeding well, sleeping almost as well, and adjusting to life in the snowy world. Simple stats: 7 lbs 13 oz, and 19 inches long.
The day started out normally enough – Tonya with Dash, hanging out, reading books, playing with trucks. I spent the day as I usually spend weekdays, brain plugged into the software development world. Conference calls. Etc. At around 5:30pm, as I was just finishing up my last call of the day, Tonya came in to let me know that she *thought* something was happening. My mother came to get Dash ’round 8pm. By 9, we were on our way to the hospital. Two hours later, Zella made her grand entrance. All told, 5-and-a-half hours of intensity that changed our day (and our lives) completely. While we were eager to continue taking advantage of the deluxe accomodations at Mercy hospital (I really wanted a chance at that jacuzzi tub), they kicked us out on Saturday, in between blizzards.
The things you probably want to know:
“Zella” is a name we’ve been savoring for awhile. It was my great-grandmother’s name (my mother’s father’s mother), something that had come up in conversation years ago, and was on the shortlist for Dash – until we found out he was going to be a boy. So it’s a name we both find to be cool, and musical, but that also has some ancestral relevance as well. It also goes on record as the “personal secret that Neil has managed to keep the longest.”
“Joy” is Tonya’s middle name, and we thought it’d be nice to hand that down, mother-to-daughter. Along with the more direct symbolism, which we also appreciate.
Dash is really enjoying having his sister around. The most difficult thing for him to adjust to, at the moment, is that his mama is temporarily unable to pick him up. Thankfully I’m going to be off from work for a couple of weeks, time to help him adjust to having to share time with his #1 companion. He does like to hover around the baby as she’s being nursed, changed, swaddled – and has already begun using the refrain “Zella Bella” to refer to all things sisterly. He’s also sneaking back into the “family bed.” At least he sleeps better than he used to.
It’s good to be home. We’re gladly accepting visitors, as long as you’re healthy. Just give us a call or drop us a line beforehand, dig?