Archive for the ‘Misc.’ Category

I’m a Winner

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

Gosh and golly, before I forget…. I won a contest! More specifically, I won THIS contest from All Star Me.

Woo hoo! Magnets (really good ones, by the way), books, strange glass pig, and much much more. Such a fun thing to find in the mail.

So, as the rules go, it’s my turn to put together a Pay It Forward contest for all of you. I’m still putting it together but I know it will be a mix of vintage and new goodies. You’re gonna want it. Promise.

Stay tuned….

[Edited to add: Um, this contest might be postponed since Dash has disappeared the camera battery charger. Or maybe I could just describe each item in vivid, mouth-watering detail and you could all use your imaginations. What do you think about that?]

Jesus, you people have been busy

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

I’m just getting around to checking in on my reader and my good god! How am I supposed to find the time to catch up with you all?

From new babies
big moves
scary moments with blood
really happy moments with maracas

I promise to be good and do my reading and to catch up with all of you as soon as possible. As soon as I have one more cookie.
And maybe some coffee (as this new “hi mama i’m up and it’s 5:30am, wanna play?” really doesn’t fly with me). Sigh.

The Return

Monday, August 25th, 2008

… And we’re back!

While I try to avoid unpacking, laundry, and basic house clean up that I neglected to do before we left, here are a few choice pictures from our delightful, relaxing, sunny week on the lake.

Dash ready for his early morning canoe ride. Note pj’s, silly swim outfit, and doggie, who went on every canoe trip we took.

Sittin’ on the dock on the murky side of our private peninsula.

Happy baby and daddy.

Anyone know how to edit out foolish-mom-shadow? It couldn’t be avoided here and I really like this shot of Dash’s reflection.

Gathered at the end of the dock one afternoon.

Ok, back to real life now. Hi everyone!

Farewell and Farewell

Friday, August 15th, 2008

As if on cue, the sun is finally out. Just in time to send us off on a week of vacationing on the lake. Nothing but sun, swimming, relaxing, eating, sleeping, maybe some thrifting, and a wee bit o’ working. That couldn’t be helped, but at least my “work” involves reading fiction. Not too shabby even on a bad day.

So I’ll be away from the computer for a whole week (!) and will miss you all dearly. Farewell.

The other farewell is for Aunt Ethel who passed away today.

Aunt Ethel, Neil, and Dash (at about six months) last year. Ethel and Dash had a real bond due to baby talk being the major form of communication for both of them. You will be missed Ethel.

Breakfast Sandwiches AND Pancakes?

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Michael Phelps would make an excellent pregnant woman.

See why right here.