Archive for the ‘Misc.’ Category

And Still it Rains…

Friday, August 8th, 2008

At first my garden was pleased with the rain. And then it was really super happy with the rain. And now, even the garden is saying, “What’s with the constant downpours and no sun? Seriously guys. I wants to make tomatoes.”

It’s good timing for one activity though. We’re off to a family reunion in CT tomorrow and I need to spend today baking and making salsa. Sounds nice doesn’t it? So does the thought of introducing Dashiell to a whole slew of family that he’s never met, and that I haven’t seen for ages.

Pray for sun, eh? It’s time this boy met some cousins.

Sun, Rain, Sun, Rain Very Hard, Repeat

Monday, August 4th, 2008

That is pretty much the story of the last several days around here. It’s making planning a day out rather difficult.

Pants or shorts? Sandals or boots? Wash hair or why even bother?

Since it’s naptime and dinner is a salad and therefore practically already made, I am sitting on the couch with my feet up (not a bon-bon in sight, what the hell?) searching for WordPress themes for this site. It is in serious need of an overhaul. You may have noticed this for yourself, and if so, I say thank you for being polite enough to not say anything about it. Trust me, I know already.

Turns out there are 76 bajillion WP themes out there. Who knew?

If anyone has a favorite theme or an idea for this site, feel free to share. I’m a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing.

I think I’ll just go wash up this new lemon-yellow melmac tea set I picked up for the shop the other day. Time to get it photographed and listed. That, I think I can handle.

Hope the sun is shining where you are.

Bestest Moments of Summer

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

Ok we’ve had some wiltingly (is that a word? no? too bad) hot weather around these parts lately and before I catch myself wishing for cooler weather, I feel like I should take a few minutes and honor this season which is ever so brief.

Bestest Moments of Summer :: 1.

Dash contemplates the other side of the ice cream menu

Post-ice cream, pre-sleep bonding

After the ice cream, after the cone

Long meandering walks after dinner that end up at our favorite neighborhood ice cream (gelato) joint. Dash isn’t quite sure he trusts ice cream yet (so cold and so not biteable!) but he can down the cone itself pretty darn fast. That, he gets.

Odds Might be Against Me

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

But I spent several minutes on 5 Minutes For Mom entering my name in their Mother’s Day Giveaways anyway.

Low odds, maybe. I guess it’s just the thought of winning. Brings me back to the first thing I ever won, way back in the early 80s at a church raffle. I just knew I was going to win the phone (a phone! just for me! and i didn’t even have a phone jack in my room! don’t care!) or the fancy clock radio.

I even wrote about it in my diary. Such was the excitement surrounding this raffle. 


Did not win phone.

Did not win fancy clock radio. 

Did guess the exact amount of jelly beans in the jar and won one of these:

best monkey ever

Happy Thursday

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Magnolia Tree in Bloom A Strange Magnolia Blossom that Looks Like a Baby Boy Soon to Blossom