
July 17th, 2008

Interrupting this list of Bestest Summer Moments to insert a quick least bestest (worstest?) moment from today.

That would be the moment I nearly killed my beloved husband.

Coming home from a morning out at the thrift shop and picking up some more coffee at Zarra’s, I’m looking forward to getting in the house and making a little lunch. I’d already gone without a mid-morning snack which is very unlike my pregnant self. Translation: do not stand between me and the refridgerator. Or a burrito.

I start making sandwiches (one for each of us, i’m not THAT hungry) while Neil carries a sleeping Dash up to his room.

Lightbulb goes off in my head!

I made french onion dip yesterday and there’s a whole lot of it waiting for me in the fridge! I tore into the fridge, practically salivating (I didn’t say this story was pretty) at what I’d find.

And what did I find, you ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No bowl of dip. Not even a little. Depression and disbelief sets in as I scanned the counter. And what did I find there? Dirty dip bowl, scraped of all its goodness. Depression set in deeper and I dipped a toe in the lake of rage.

I walked quietly upstairs to where Neil is working, contemplating divorce. “I am so mad at you right now,” I seethed.

Bewildered and a little scared, Neil barely got to wonder why before I let him know exactly what I thought of what he did. Then he confessed that since it was trash day, he took it upon himself to go through the fridge and toss anything that looked like it’d been hanging around for a month or more. He thought I would love him for it. Most wives would.

Anger melting, I had to admit that if you didn’t know you were looking at french onion dip, you’d definitely think a bowl of yogurt had gone terribly wrong. And smelled terribly wrong.

So I get it. I do. And it turns out that love can survive a husband messing with his pregnant wife. But it doesn’t put the dip back in the bowl, now does it?

In summary, I will be home the rest of the afternoon. Please come by with dip.

Bestest Moments of Summer

July 16th, 2008

Ok we’ve had some wiltingly (is that a word? no? too bad) hot weather around these parts lately and before I catch myself wishing for cooler weather, I feel like I should take a few minutes and honor this season which is ever so brief.

Bestest Moments of Summer :: 1.

Dash contemplates the other side of the ice cream menu

Post-ice cream, pre-sleep bonding

After the ice cream, after the cone

Long meandering walks after dinner that end up at our favorite neighborhood ice cream (gelato) joint. Dash isn’t quite sure he trusts ice cream yet (so cold and so not biteable!) but he can down the cone itself pretty darn fast. That, he gets.

A Nice Cold Drink

July 3rd, 2008

Would be really nice right now. 

Makes Cold Drinks Taste Better

Ah pregnancy. You’ve got me for another long, hot summer. Guess I’ll put this in the Shop and go have a glass of lemonade instead.

Happy 4th everyone! We’ll be at the parade in Freeport, followed by a craft fair at the brand new Freeport Square Gallery, and then off to a family barbecue. As it should be.

See y’all on Monday.

Frogs and Shop Updates

June 30th, 2008


Oooooh boy it was hot today! You know when your back gets sweaty from driving in the car for a few minutes? Yuck. And yes, I know I could avoid that with some well-time air conditioning but I just don’t like it. I’m a wind girl. 

Anyhow, beating the heat by making a pasta sauce (so NOT the thing to do if you’re trying to stay cool, but we’ll get a really nice couple of meals out of it) and adding new things to the shop. Woo hoo! It’s been a while, eh? I know. I’ve renewed my commitment to the HappyDashery effective immediately, and no small thanks to a couple of neighborhood girls for committing a few afternoons to Dash. 

So stay tuned. More updates in the days to come. 


What does that photo have to do with anything? Nothing. Just some frogs I thought I’d share with you.


June 13th, 2008

The newest member of the Sattin family. Just a little bitty thing still but I can’t possibly hide it anymore. 

Can’t really hide that basket of dirty laundry in the background either, can I?  

So this is what’s kept me away. This and the morning sickness (which, by the way, sucks if you didn’t know already), and the fact that Dash still wants to be held all day in spite of me having to run to the bathroom every so often.  

We’re really excited to be welcoming a new baby into our family and I’m looking forward to the months leading up to the big day. I love being pregnant (minus the sick) so I plan to make the most of these few months. Not just going through all of Dash’s clothes and other goods that can be reused, but also just enjoying it. Enjoying the belly. Enjoying the way it seems to make everyone smile around me. I love that! 

And also enjoying being a family of three for as long as that lasts. I think Dash will be a splendid big brother, though it does make me a little sad that he won’t remember this time when we were just three. 

And a special note to the Dad before his second Father’s Day… you’re an amazing father with so much love for our little Dash. We are both so lucky to have you. 

Now get ready to do it again! Next year there will be two! 

Happy Father’s Day to all.