December 2nd, 2008
There’s nothing quite like Skyping with your husband while you’re both in the same house. I’m downstairs eating lunch, he’s up in the studio working away.
A Skype call comes in. We giggle at each other for a few minutes because it’s all kind of ridiculous. (I can’t get used the whole audio and video thing combined. Do you look in the other person’s eyes or do you look vaguely in the direction of your camera?)
I got over it and lovingly tell Neil that he looks good today.
He thanks me and then asks, “Do you have food on your face?”
And that was the last time they ever Skyped.
Posted in Dork Mom | 3 Comments »
November 26th, 2008
This is almost too good to be true! Here I was planning to write a post which was pretty much just filler (I’m on the alternate laptop again so I don’t have any of the photos I really want to share with you. Tomorrow?), though good filler, when I see the most delightful link.
Honestly, too good to be true if you’re the liberal reader that I think you are.
And also, my friend Robyn just introduced me to this woman, my new modern-day hero. Sarah Haskins sums up all your thoughts on fiber-rich yogurt, botox, and angry women voters as she explores how the media targets women. I’m probably way behind the times on her but she cracks me up and I needed to share. So, so worth clicking that link.
And on the local front, identical triplets Satch, Pablo, and Levi are having a banner day and are getting their parents pretty excited about some kangaroo care. They’re all but demanding to be held. (And Dan, back when Dash was under those very same lights when he was first born, we totally thought that Billy Reuben was either a sandwich or maybe a small-time mobster.)
So that’s about it for now. Time to get to work on personalizing these (new to me) vintage Christmas stockings I picked up from Whimsie Dots* a few weeks ago.

Besides the gorgeous tops that you see here, they have lovely alternating stripes of either red and green or blue and green. I fell in love with them and quickly rationalized their purchase. We’re soon to be a family of four, so don’t we need four Christmas stockings? Answer: yes we do.
Just one more thing before I go! I still really need your help/input on these lamps. Where did they come from? What were they used for?
If you say “illumination,” ha ha ha ha ha etc.
Most importantly, what kind of shade do they require to fit their look and the look of my home, which is increasingly becoming a mid-century modern look.
And a most happy Thanksgiving to you all! I am truly grateful for so much this year and you’re all included on that list. Enjoy your day.
* Photos by Whimsie Dots
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November 24th, 2008
Can they honestly say that not ONE of them thought this would be a good idea the first time around?
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November 24th, 2008
Remember when I said I had some vintage finds to share? Well, here’s one that has been sitting around in my kitchen (too much counter space can be a bad thing sometimes) for at least a month or so.

I found four of these brass and glass lamps at a rummage sale a while back.
For four whole dollars. Total.
They have hooks on the bottom of each that would enable them to clip onto a table, which makes me think they might have come from an old library. Though, what’s the point of clipping them to the table when they could also just sit on the table? Am I missing something here? They also bend at the hinge in the middle.
What do you think they were used for? And what kind of shade would you put on them? I’m stumped, though really excited to move them on to the next stage. That of being a working part of my house.
I’m counting on all you thrifting types to help me figure out how.
Posted in Vintage Goods | 1 Comment »
November 24th, 2008
For anyone who’s been reading this blog for more than, say, five minutes, it will come as no surprise to you that I woke up with baby on the brain. This has accidently turned into a baby blog, hasn’t it? It’s mostly temporary, so anyone who wants to hear more vintage, more funny, more anything other than baby needs to just sit tight. I swear, it’s almost over.
But until then…

This is sometimes what we find in the morning upon going in to get Dash from his room. Everything pulled out of the drawers (and look how he’s going back for more!), and some of his clothes pulled off caveman-style.
Last night I dreamed about having this baby (or actually NOT yet having the baby, which is so in keeping with my day to day life. isn’t dreaming supposed to be different from everyday life? that’s what i thought too.), I dreamed about friend’s babies, and about friends who don’t even have babies yet having babies (yes, robyn. I’m talking about you). Good god, it’s a baby fest and won’t it be great when I can return to regular old weird dreams involving the Incredible Hulk and high school biology class?
But until then…
Have you heard? Amanda had her lovely new baby (with a great great name!). And our dear friends Alex and Dan welcomed their triplets on Sunday (11/23- is that not the perfect date for three?). Neil and I have been glued to their blog, waiting for the next installment. Luckily, Dan seems to have a lot of free time and, as a new father, a whole lot to say. This morning, with toothbrush in hand, I tuned in to see what was new and found this lovely entry. I don’t think I’ve ever cried while brushing my teeth before. It’s a beautiful and intimate peek of their journey into parenthood and is well worth the read.
Enjoy! I’ll be back later with more non-baby related news.
p.s. “baby baby baby” is a song by Anna King, one of James Brown’s backup singers. It was the song we first danced to at our wedding, and though we didn’t realize it was some kind of fertility song, it sure did turn out that way. Sorry, couldn’t find the song online to share with you. Anyone have it?
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